Actress Kangana Ranaut, who plays a nautch girl in 'Rajjo', says the biggest challenge before her was delivering bold dialogues in the movie. "The biggest challenge was mouthing the dialogues which were very bold. The perception about nautch girls is wrong. Their way of speaking is so refined that they can attract people just by the way they speak. I think Waheeda Rehmanji played a role brilliantly in 'Pyaasa'," Kangana said at the music launch of 'Rajjo'. To get her act right, she did extensive research for her role and event visited one of the red light areas. Voicing bold dialogues for \'Rajjo\' was a challenge: Kangana Kangana Ranaut, who plays a nautch girl in 'Rajjo', says the biggest challenge before her was delivering bold dialogues in the movie. "As far as my role is concerned, my director (Vishwas Patil) did such extensive research and handed it all to me while I signed the film. Apart from that, we did go to Nagpada and spoke to a few nautch girls to understand their state of mind, the way they live their lives," she said. "But I would really want to appreciate the spirit of my director. It was a fabulous experience working with him," she added. Union Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde, who was the chief guest for the event, was all praise for multi-faceted director Vishwas Patil. Shinde said, "... When a person like him presents himself through his art, I really feel proud... Bureaucrats or politicians usually don't enter this field but Vishwas Patilji did. He has always worked on social related issues."