Economists Point Out Advantages of 30-Hour Work Week

2013-10-30 13

A book released by the New Economics Foundation points out the numerous advantages of making a 30-hour workweek the new norm.

A book released by the New Economics Foundation points out the numerous advantages of making a 30-hour workweek the new norm.

Cutting hours and raising minimum wages, they say, is a potential path to improving workers’ wellbeing.

As examples, the authors cite countries like Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands, who have all successfully made changes that foster an improved lifestyle for their citizens without compromising their economies.

For the authors, the key is in reconsidering the adage that “time is money”.

Time, they say, is actually far more valuable than dollars, and should be regarded as such.

The head of social policy for the organization said, "Inequalities between rich and poor are widening. This scandal masks another inequality - between those who have plenty of control over their time, and those who don't.”

Also pointed out is that too many people find themselves lacking both time and sufficient financial resources.

The resulting stresses of being compromised in both ways can have ill effects on our health, family and relationships.

Also considered important by the authors is that the issues of low pay and long hours be tackled simultaneously.