Small screen Mahadev, Mohit Raina is speedily grabbing a chunk of popularity with his mythological show, Devon Ke Dev Mahadev. With his well acclaimed recognition in the industry, the actor is not only shooting up the TRP of the show but has now gone a step ahead by overlooking towards Bollywood. Yes you heard that right! Well, brushing up through his bollywood context, earlier he had made it to news for being considered as Priyanka Chopra's ideal groom and the duo was also rumored to be a pair. However, the recent buzz now comes as his ticket to B-town with his supposed Bollywood debut! Confirming this debut news, our sources further revealed that that Mohit has already been approached by quite a few renowned filmmakers and is also been visiting several production houses of late! So with this, do we see a film in the making Mohit? Nevertheless, it also leaves us to wonder if Mohit will quit the high-rated Mahadev show for Bollywood! What say viewers?