Make Your RFID Credit Cards Safe From Theft

2013-10-27 24 This video will describe exactly what RFID credit cards are, and how you can shield your cards from identification fraud.

Credit cards with RFID chips embedded in them are proven to be prone to fraud. The info on these cards is extracted by a radio frequency reader. This can be a legal scanning such as at a check-out counter, or an illegal scanning by a sophisticated pocket picker with a concealed personal scanner who simply walked past you and picked up the radio signals your cards produced.

The intention of the chipped cards is to quicken the check-out process. Which they do. Regrettably, they have become a bonanza for identification thieves. The personal scanners, which are easily obtained, are small and easily hidden. And they are effective enough to scan from a distance of a number of feet and right through a pocket, wallet, or purse.

Can you know if you've been scanned? Most likely not. If someone has been near you while carrying a folded paper, a tablet case, or other small items, you may be suspicious. But, individuals hold small products all the time. The only way to tell for sure is when you get your statement and discover purchases unfamiliar to you.