Religious And Political Parties Will Have To Put Aside Their Differences And Work Jointly For The Public Welfare, Security And Survival Of Pakistan: Altaf Hussain

2013-10-26 143
The founder and leader of MQM Mr. Altaf Hussain has said that Pakistan is passing through passing through a critical phase. At this crucial time all the religious and political parties will have to put aside their differences and work jointly for the public welfare, security and survival of Pakistan. They must show political cohesion if they want to solve the security issues faced by Pakistan. He said that the government should not raise people's expectations. It could hurt people badly if the government fails to deliver what they promise. Unbiased news reports indicate the negotiations between Obama and Nawaz Shareef has failed.
Mr. Hussain expressed these views while addressing members of Pakistan Federation of Journalists and members of other journalists associations at the Lal Qila Ground over a phone from London. He thanked PFUJ president for their Karachi visit at time when a target operation was going on in the city against criminal elements. He added that there was no doubt rangers and police officers offering great sacrifices in their fight against the criminals. However, law enforcement agencies have arrested innocent people, including MQM’s workers and office bearers. He said that he had made an appeal to the families of the arrested people to remain calm and composed for a great cause. I have advised them to restraint themselves. Otherwise, it would jeopardize the operation and it will become controversial. I have told them this operation is necessary for the elimination of criminals and restoration of peace in Karachi.
Mr. Hussain said that Karachi is the heart of Pakistan and economic hub. Peace in Karachi is important for the prosperity of Pakistan. Disturbance in Karachi will have bad effect on our economy. MQM has extended their full support for the operation against criminals. During this operation we have witnessed many tragic incidents. During the last two months MQM’s eight workers have disappeared. They are arrested by the law enforcement agencies. He appealed to the officers of law enforcement agencies to order their subordinate not to use excessive for or violence. It could kill people. Killings could generate resentment and anger. The country cannot afford this kind of situation.
Mr. Hussain said that subversive activities was happening across Pakistan. Mosques, Imambargahs, shrines, schools and bazars are being bombed. Victims of these outrages are innocent people. Tehreek-e-Taliban spokesmen who accept the responsibility of these bomb attacks should know these bombings cause public outrage across Pakistan. How would these attackers and planners feel if their kids die in such attacks? He advised TTP to express their political dissent through protest demonstrations against the government. He urged them avoid terrorists acts.

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