Cat Survives Journey on Van Roof Going 70 MPH

2013-10-25 1

One adventurous kitty managed to survive the unthinkable after clinging to the roof of a van which was traveling down the expressway at speeds up to 70 miles per hour.

The old saying about cats having nine lives… well it’s definitely true. One adventurous kitty managed to survive the unthinkable after clinging to the roof of a van which was traveling down the expressway at speeds up to 70 miles per hour.

The electrician who was driving the vehicle, Helen Stevens was completely clueless that an animal had been hanging on for dear life right above her head. When she got on the expressway in Leicestershire, United Kingdom, a fellow motorist flashed lights in an effort to flag her down. Stevens pulled over to see what was wrong.

She stated “I was gobsmacked. The cat was on the roof rack, which had some stepladders on it, and was just clinging on for dear life. He was wide-eyed and looking terrified.”

Stevens believes the kitty hopped on top of the vehicle when she stopped to get gas. She took the uninjured cat to Bell, Brown and Bentley clinic, where veterinarians posted a plea on Facebook to find the owner.

Thankfully the shared post was seen by Ellise Pepper. She came forward to claim her lost kitty, which she calls Kick Buttowski.