Millions of students and thousands of teachers protest in Spain

2013-10-24 92

Millions of students and thousands of teachers protested against fresh cutbacks to the education sector in Spain.

Students, teachers and unions alike are all against the so-called Wert Law – a law that is named after the Minister for Education Jose Ignacio Wert. They are angry with the six million euros in cutbacks over the last two years.

Law student Mario wants to stop the government’s education policy: “it is based on cutbacks, cutbacks and cutbacks. We believe the government is trying to pay the illegitimate debt that they got themselves into with social cutbacks.”

One secondary school teacher Jose Maria Carreras believes tougher action is needed: “I think we have to move to more direct actions, administrative and judicial actions because in a lot of cases the situation is bordering on absolute illegality.”

Although the Spanish government said this Thursday that Spain’s economy was out of it’s two year rut and would soon return to growth, Angel Martin, who is unemploed for over a year feels this will not change anything for him.

“The news that Spain is out of recession is positive but in reality I don’t know how this is going to effect us, I think we won’t even notice it, it won’t reach us.”

Spain may be officially out of recession, but one in four are still queuing for the dole.

And Spain’s biggest tragedy is youth unemployment with half it’s youth generation still out of work.