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2019-02-21 2

BARBARA BRIN performs the song - "A TEUS PÉS" for BalconyTV.
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Been trying to write that bio for a long time now, you would think it's easy, but let me tell you it really isn't! So I decided to keep it simple.
Here it is....

I was born in Portugal, but moved to Paris with my family at age 1. I lived there for 25 years, and 5 years ago I moved back to Portugal. So I am now back and forth between both countries. I couldn't imagine it any other way 'cause there are really two parts of me, one french and one Portuguese. That's for the basic stuff.

How everything started....

I have been keeping diaries since I can remember. Writing down everything that happens to me gives a better perspective, and it has always been the only way of soothing myself when things got bad.... At some point, I must have been 14 at the time, I started transforming some of those writings into songs. I basically would read them after and a little melody would come to me. At that point my real passion was acting, so that was where I was headed. After I graduated, I got in the Cours Florent, a very well known acting school in Paris. I did the course and got pregnant right after. So I had to start working to provide for my beautiful baby boy and I kind of put my dreams on hold for a little, but I always knew I would come back to them.... At that time, writing had become even more important to me and as a surprise from two of my best friends (one of them being a musician) I got my very first song to put my words on! It was awsome, I immediately started working on that, and "In my room", which I had written at age 18, became a real song! That experience was really fulfilling, so I decided to keep on that track. Since that first song, I was very lucky to meet amazing guys, create a band, and we've been working on more and more songs, doing shows etc.... Everything has been falling into place without me going after it. It just feels so right. Of course it feels really good to see that other people like what you do, and actually listen to you, but I now know that I am doing exactly what I wanted to do, regardless of where this will take me....

Some things to know about my music....
Someone once described it as a girly love pop/rock. I liked that description because I mostly write about my love experiences, and it's basically something every girl can relate to.... The words I use have no pretension besides telling a story, so my lyrics are really simple and easy to figure out I guess. And I like it that way....
Everything I write is based on my experiences, everything happened, everything's true! So that's why for most of the songs, I never say when they were written so it's a bit harder to know exactly what or who I'm talking about! It's weird though, because I get so much pleasure to be on stage and share my experiences but at the same time I feel very shy 'cause I am basically reading my diary to people I've never met! Strange feeling....

Well, nothing more to say besides : I'm loving it!

There you have it Babes!


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