Coptic Christians mourn attack victims

2013-10-21 14

Security is tight outside a Coptic church in a Cairo suburb a day after gunmen attacked a wedding party killing four people.

Now come the funeral services.

The church fills with the sounds of anguish as mourners prepare to bury their dead.

The attack came as people waited outside the church for the bride to arrive and join the groom for their wedding.

Instead, bearded men on a motorcycle pulled up and fired on the crowd. The bride and groom survived the attack but a child was among the dead.


"What happened yesterday is an attempt to cause strife, it was a criminal, terrorist act and it will be frowned upon by God. No Muslim, Christian, or Jew can accept this."

The attack deepens fears of many Christians in Egypt that their minority community will pay the bloodiest price for the ouster of elected Islamist President Mohamed Mursi.

A bloody security crackdown on Mursi supporters in