Airplane sex: mile-high hummer? Oral sex couple fined $250

2013-10-20 5

Christopher Martin and Jessica Stroble are just your average budget conscious exhibitionists. In June they took an Allegiant Airlines flight from Medford, Oregon, to Las Vegas with the simple goal of letting loose a little. While most people think it takes an inordinate amount of money to afford the necessary time and space to join the "Mile High Club", Martin and Stroble seem to have proved that you can at least join Mile High Third Base for the cost of a ticket, plus $250 per person for the privilege.

While the plane was aloft, Martin unzipped and gave Stroble her in-flight meal, not once but twice during the two hour flight. Nearby families were variously horrified/enraptured at the sight. One mother who has been widely quoted from the criminal complaint filed in Las Vegas said "this is not the sex education I wanted to give my teenage sons"! Precious! However, Mr. Christopher Martin's dad/employer didn't think so. The vintner's son had brought shame upon the family and for his sins was banished to go work someplace else. In view of his father's harsh punishment and Christopher's guilty plea, the judge took pity on the poor little 44 year old adult man and gave him and his girlfriend only $250 fines. Much lighter sentences than the potential 9 months in jail with, still somewhat reasonable, $500 maximum fine for the offense of dingle-dangling on a public flight.

So even though Mr. Martin might have lost his job, ruined his trip to Las Vegas, and had to shell out $250, he still gets a scout's badge for gettin' a beej on a moving plane. Cudos, old sport!


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