Ostrich Pillow Light Offers a Better Way to Nap

2013-10-17 73

An item on Kickstarter called the Ostrich Pillow Light aims to allow busy people on the go the chance to nap basically anywhere.

Many studies have shown that it pays to take naps. However, with our busy and increasingly mobile lifestyles, it's hard to find time for a quick escape.

An item on Kickstarter called the OSTRICH PILLOW LIGHT aims to allow busy people on the go the chance to nap basically anywhere. The pillow is really a lightweight ring that circles a wearer’s face, specifically their eyes.

It’s filled with special silent silicon coated micro-beads which enhance sound reduction and the soft fabric helps you wind down and doze right off according to the manufacturer. An elastic strap means the size of the pillow can be adjusted to fit any head diameter.

When not in use, it can be worn around a neck, serving double duty as a scarf or it can be tied around a handbag.

Urban commuters reportedly spend an average of 1 hour per day getting to and from work.

The makers of the OSTRICH PILLOW LIGHT suggest that it can be used during downtimes in airports, trains, airplanes, and buses. The inventors are hoping to meet their monetary goal and unveil the lightweight Ostrich Pillows in time for Christmas.

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