Africa Paradis (2007) - Trailer

2013-10-17 2

Directed by : Sylvestre Amoussou
Produced by : Tchoko Tchoko 7eme Art
Genre: Fiction - Runtime: 1 h 26 min
French release: 28/02/2007
Production year: 2006

Europe, among them France, has become underdeveloped due to acute economic and political crisis while Africa has gone through very thriving development.

As Olivier and Pauline, a French engineer and a French teacher, can no more decently live in their country, they decide to immigrate into the United States of Africa.

Unfortunately they don’t manage to get an entry visa and therefore call on a smuggler. From that time on their life turns upside down and they face the grim reality of immigration : they experience the position of illegal immigrant, the difficulty to find a decent job and on top of that the political use of immigration.

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