The tug of war between Bollywood divas, Deepika Padukone and Katrina Kaif seems to be showing no sign of a standby. While earlier, we had buzzed about Deepika bagging several film projects that were initially meant for Katrina, the recent news now ignites a yet another addition to this rivalry story.
Reportedly, Deepika is believed to have overtaken Katrina by topping this month's rating poll of the Times Celebex list. Interestingly, as per sources, Kat had retained her top position in this very same poll for over 7 consecutive years but seems like our Dippy is leaving no stone unturned to crown the glam-sham titles! However, now for all those who are wondering what Times Celebex is? It is a monthly rating index based on the stars Box Office performance, their ability to stay in the news, their brand endorsement, and their popularity among fans. Well, having heard this if we trace back through Deepika's success stories, she has surely made it big with her blockbuster release Chennai Express and of course, with her steamy chemistry with lover boy Ranveer Singh! What say viewers?