WEB NEWS - Italy: Bossi-Fini immigration law sparks controversy

2013-10-10 1

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Italy: Bossi-Fini immigration law sparks controversy
One week after a boat carrying some 500 African migrants sank off the coast of Lampedusa, the mayor of the small Italian island, Giusi Nicolini, continues to update the growing death toll via her Twitter account. The sense of grief caused by the tragedy has been such that the Prime Minister Enrico Letta has announced all the victims will be given Italian nationality posthumously.
The survivors however, with the exception of children, may be facing prosecution for illegal immigration. They could well be sent back home and ordered to pay a fine of up to 5,000 euros.
As some outraged Italian social networkers are saying "is a good immigrant a dead immigrant?”, they are focusing in particular on the Bossi-Fini immigration law that makes it an offense to aid and abet illegal immigrants so iinterpretations of this law could have dissuaded boat captains from helping migrants in distress.
This legislative and highly repressive arsenal was introduced in 2002, at the instigation of Umberto Bossi, who was the head of the xenophobic Northern League Party at the time, and Gianfranco Fini, the founder of the neo-fascist National Alliance party. The bill is now coming under increasing scrutiny, Italian daily “La Repubblica” has started an online petition calling for the law to be abolished and replaced with legislation that does not violate human rights. The document has garnered around 25 000 signa... Go on reading on our web site.

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