Tony Quinn and Steve Collins

2013-10-09 4

Tony Quinn | Achieving the Best Return on Investment with Educo™

Seminars held by Tony Quinn teach people methods he refers to as Educo™, which is derived from Latin for ‘lead out.’ Studies have revealed that businesses who participate in Educo™ seminars achieve significant increases in revenue, with an average increase of 360% over 3 years. Individuals in the studies increased their personal income by 264% in the same amount of time. Furthermore, people experienced a 55% increase in their overall satisfaction with life after attending. This return on investment is significant, but the chances of success are higher when people keep practicing the techniques after the seminar is over.

That is why Tony Quinn encourages people to reach out to other seminar attendees to keep practicing the techniques afterwards. Many people attend with a friend in order to keep each other accountable, while others find mentors in prior seminar attendees by reaching out to them via the Internet or at Educo™ meetings. In some cases, individuals can also receive tax breaks for the money spent on these seminars, as they can be viewed as a business expense.