Ever since Salman Khan announced his next movie after home production 'Dabangg 2', the title of it has been under talks everywhere. While earlier it was tentatively called as 'Mental', but later a few more like 'Jai Ho' and 'Azaad' were being considered.
However, now the father of superstar puts his stamp over the final title, and as Salman Khan loves and respects his father tremendously, he will go ahead with the same. While many preferred the original title, 'Mental', the head of the family, Salim Khan, preferred 'Jai Ho'.
Well, we believe Jai Ho sounds better, as it's releasing during Republic Day! Also starring Daisy Shah, Sana Khan, Tabu and others in their respective roles, 'Jai Ho' starring Salman Khan in lead is all set to release in January 2014.