How to soothe your chapped and cracked hands

2013-10-09 1

Having chapped hands, cracked hands can be very painful. Here are three different natural methods to soothe your hands.
Chapped hands look like a dry river bed. In both cases, there is a hydration/moisturisation problem. When constantly exposed to soil, solvents or soapy water and in weather they may irritate or provoke skin chapping. Heating in our homes, creates very dry atmospheres - it is also a factor to consider.
Chaps or cracks can occur when water from the surface of the skin evaporates, leaving behind layers of dry skin cells.
If after three weeks of home treatment, the cracks or fissures do not improve it is recommended to consult a doctor, as in the following cases:
When cracks penetrates the skin of your hand or your foot.
When you have diabetes and cracking appears on your feet.
When part of your skin looks chapped, burning or is painful, it is swollen or red and watery discharge occurs or is pruruginous.

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