Anne de Kerckhove - Why Videology chose France

2013-10-08 15

Videology is a company in technology allowing advertisers to find their audiences across devices. From having nobody in France a year ago, they now have twelve people working in their new Paris office. In this video interview, Anne de Kerckhove tells us why Videology chose France.
Videology – Anne de Kerckhove, Managing Director EMEA
What is Videology’s main business?
Videology is a technology company in the advertising and media space. Basically it allows advertisers to find their audiences across devices. So it will find them through the use of data and targeting a consumer, from TV to connected television, to a tablet, to a mobile, and reach them at exactly the right time with the right message.
What is Videology’s strategy?
The strategy right now is really geographical expansion. We are now in 26 countries. Three years ago we were in two. So that’s been a primary focus and a big part of it because the world of media is very global.
What is it like doing business in France?
France at first doesn’t feel comfortable because it’s a new language. But actually it was very easy to set up in France. First of all in media and advertising, it’s one of the power centers of Europe and the world. If you think about it, you’ve got Havas, Publicis, and some of the biggest agencies right here headquartered in Paris. So, obviously, it’s a very natural choice to settle into the region.
Did you receive some help from the French government to set up your business in France?
We had a lot of help in settling into the country, getting registered, finding employees. We were also equally lucky to have the Invest in France Agency to help us through the process of all the forms and formalities that you need to deal with in order to set up a company in France.
What kind of partnerships do you have in France?
I was lucky enough to have worked in France before and I knew how easy it was to recruit very top talent. So it’s a mix of the centrality of France, the ability to service Europe from France, and just the simple fact that in media and advertising Paris is one of the powerhouses of the world. So it’s absolutely vital to have partnerships here locally for us in France and in the Paris region. We’re incredibly lucky: I think that most of our clients are within 15 km of our office.
The Paris region in very important, but we also have partnerships throughout France. They happen to be in technology, data, as well as media and entertainment. All the big broadcasters are partners that we work with. France is uniquely lucky to have a company like Dailymotion, which is both a leader in the video space and the technology space. We’ve got partners like Sticky Ads and AdVideum who are again small young companies that three years ago didn’t exist and now really run the video space in France.
What are your future plans for Videology in France?
What is wonderful for us here in France is that you actually happen to be talking to me on the day we are moving into our Paris permanent office. So, from having nobody in Paris a year ago, we now have 12 people on board, and therefore we had to find a permanent home. So we’ve moved to Rue Pasquier, right in the center of Paris and it’s a wonderful office that will not only serve France but will be one of the leadership regions for Videology. We have all our senior management from the U.S. coming over next month to learn about the uniqueness of Europe and what we need to do in terms of geographical expansion.
Globally we are now one of the fastest-growing companies in media and advertising. So for us, it is all about expansion and growth, but smart growth, making sure that we have the right people, and constantly looking at innovation, pushing the boundaries of advertising technology.