400-Pound Massive Squid Washes Up on Beach in Spain

2013-10-08 7

A giant squid recently washed ashore at La Arena beach in Cantabria, Spain. The squid reportedly weighed about 400 pounds and measured 30 feet in length.

A squid is a fascinating creature for sure, and stories of giant specimens are legendary, even mythical.

Well, an absolutely humongous squid recently washed ashore at La Arena beach in Cantabria, Spain.

To sum up the appearance, it looks like a terrifying, ugly beast. The female squid reportedly weighed about 400 pounds and her tentacles measured 30 feet in length. The body was reported to be approximately five and a half feet long, with the head another 15 inches.

A thorough forensic test has not yet been completed on the giant specimen, however the local authorities mentioned that the condition was slightly deteriorated, as it had lost some of its skin and the eyes had popped out.

The head of a local museum stated “The find however has a great scientific, cultural and museum value; whether we conserve her in a special storage or have her exposed in the museum are some of the options under consideration.”

It is currently believed the newly discovered squid is part of the species known as Architeuthis dux, which is the largest invertebrate on the planet.