Mexico official caught on camera humiliating young street vendor

2013-10-08 67

Mexicans are enraged by a viral a video showing a city official humiliating an impoverished Tzotzil Indian boy while another municipal employee watches. A third man, also seen in the video, came to the boy's aid after the city officials left the scene.

Ten-year-old Manuel Diaz Hernandez had traveled from Chiapas to Villahermosa, the capital of Tabasco, to work as a street vendor during summer vacation to earn money for school supplies. He was selling candy, cough drops and cigarettes, the latter being illegal in Mexico for minors to buy or sell. A city inspector confronted him and took the cigarettes in an incident that was caught on video and has since gone viral.

The now-fired official, who has been identified as Juan Diego Lopez Jimenez, made the crying boy drop the rest of his merchandize from his basket to the ground while fellow city official Carmen Torres Diaz watched. According to reports, the contents of the basket were worth more than the boy could make in a week. Lopez Jimenez and Torres Diaz are then seen walking away while the third man begins to gather the candy and put it back in the basket. The boy is disconsolate, rocking back and forth with his head in his hands.

Lopez Jimenez has since been fired. Both he and Torres Diaz are both being investigated on charges of abuse and theft.

Tabasco Governor Arturo Nunez on Thursday said the state would give Hernandez and his family a "scholarship" and provide the boy with "medical and psychological help."


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