Cette vidéo participe au concours vidéo Sirena 20 ans sur RidersMatch.com : http://www.ridersmatch.com/match-details.php?match=99 Votez pour elle !!
Images : Agathe Prédour, API PROD, Wax-up, Riders Match, Défi de La Baule 2011
Merci à Grégory Le Breton de l'atelier Sirena
Video from the "SIRENA VIDEO CONTEST" by Riders Match!
From October 1st to December 3rd, upload your best Sirena Sailing videos and you'll get a chance to win a sailing Week end in La Baule !
Join the contest on: http://www.ridersmatch.com/match-details.php?match=99
There is also a photo contest on Facebook :
Post your best Sirena photo and you'll get a chance to win a sailing Week end in La Baule !
Join the contest : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sirena-Voile/170828699616964?id=170828699616964&sk=app_603171703028453
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