Damaged Ovary Risk Is Latest Reason Saudi Women Can’t Drive

2013-10-02 866

A conservative Saudi cleric has declared that women who drive in non-necessary situations are risking ovarian damage, pelvic shifting, and having children with medical issues.

A conservative Saudi cleric has declared that women who drive in non-necessary situations are risking ovarian damage, pelvic shifting, and having children with medical issues.

The announcement comes as support for women being given the official right to drive grows in Saudi Arabia and an activist group has organized a day of protest against the current ban.

Women can’t get drivers licenses in Saudi Arabia and are fined and even jailed when caught driving without one.

The rally has been slated to take place on October 26th. On that day, women are encouraged to take control of the family cars and hit the roads.

Already, 11 thousand people have signed a Twitter petition offering their support for the event.

The website devoted to the day of driving for women has been shut down for viewing inside of the kingdom.

As for the cleric’s warnings, he claimed to have medical studies to back up his assertions, but neglected to provide them.

Nonetheless, he is encouraging women to put "reason ahead of their hearts, emotions and passions".

The man is also known to be opposed to granting women more rights in general.