Superstar Shah Rukh Khan was recently caught up with an intense discussion regarding his much gained success in Bollywood. However, having revealed quite a few details about his strategies and future films, the actor further made an interesting statement this time, stating that after making it to the No.1 position, thanks to his blockbuster hit Chennai Express, he has earned more enemies than making friends in the industry.
Well, now referring to this very statement, one wouldn't deny citing his first enemies being Ekta Kapoor and Akshay Kumar, for having clashed with their respective films at the box office. Further intensifying SRK's enemy story was the famous Lungi Dance controversy with SRK's favorite composers, Vishal and Shekhar, and well, last but not the least, we have our alleged constant enemy being none other than Salman Khan.
So now Mr. King Khan, are you referring to any of these enemies or are we missing out on any one? Meanwhile, what say viewers?