Vaccines Are Not Safe Dr. Russell Blaylock.

2013-09-28 52

January 2012. Dr. Russell Blaylock discuses the safety of vaccines and uncovers some shocking facts.

Vaccine Mandate Problems -- Dr. Russell Blaylock MD

Mandating vaccines is a fancy way of saying that people are being forced against their will and better judgment to be vaccinated. During the days of the polio epidemic, fear was the driving force for our government's action.

Parents were terrified, and demanded that the medical community and the government do something. What the public did not know at the time was that both Salk (the first polio vaccine developed) and Sabin (oral or "sugar cube" version) vaccines were contaminated with a cancer-causing virus called SV-40. The fact that this virus, and thus the vaccines, could cause cancer was known almost from the beginning, before the mass vaccination programs began. Yet over 100 million people were exposed to this dangerous virus.