Police Catch Elderly Man Driving Wrong Way on Expressway

2013-09-28 276

Recently, a 77-year-old man was busted by police cruising down the Takamatsu Expressway in Kagawa Prefecture. The problem was that he was going in the wrong direction.

It can be dangerous driving on a highway. Tight lanes and high speeds often make crashes inevitable and that’s possible even if you’re driving in the right direction.

Recently a 77-year-old man was busted by police cruising down the Takamatsu Expressway in Kagawa Prefecture. The problem was that he was going in the wrong direction, completely against traffic.

The unnamed male had quite the excuse for his dangerous driving maneuver. He told officers that he had been attempting to retrace his steps after going a little over half a mile too far down the expressway.

He said he was trying to get home but somehow missed his exit. Once the man realized his mistake, he stopped at a service area, then went back in the same lane he came from, but headed against oncoming cars.

The mishap did cause a vehicular accident. A female driver was forced to slam on her brakes to avoid the elderly man’s vehicle and was rear ended by another motorist behind her.

As for the man causing all the trouble, he later told police he didn’t initially notice he was going the wrong way.