Riwayaton Ki Lazzat by Saadat Siddiqi, Rajisthani Daal & Khatti Methi Bar B Q Chicken, 27-09-13

2013-09-27 1,456

Riwayaton Ki Lazzat by Saadat Siddiqi, Rajisthani Daal & Khatti Methi Bar B Q Chicken, 27-09-13
Sit back and enjoy today's presentation of Riwayaton ki Lazzat with Chef Saadat Siddqi, as he prepares a very fulfilling and tasty Rajisthani Daal as well as Khatti Methi Bar B Q Chicken. Aside from the food part, Astrologist Humayun Mehboob takes live call and discusses recent events and their spiritual and astrological dimensions.
Aired on 27-09-13