Dog Paddles for 90 Minutes After Falling into Well

2013-09-27 393

A pooch in Granville, Illinois is lucky to be alive after falling over 20 feet down into a well. The rescue efforts took about 90 minutes, but the dog was eventually pulled to safety.

Animals can often land in sticky situations, but thankfully people usually rush to the scene to help. A pooch in Granville, Illinois is lucky to be alive after falling over 20 feet down into a well.

The 8-year-old golden doodle named Doogie ran outside to greet a repairman, as soon as his owner, Judy Hopkins opened the door of the house. However, the cover of well had been left open at that time so the repair worker could inspect it.

Nobody had a chance to catch the dog or stop the fall. It all happened in a mater of seconds.

The dog could bee seen floating in the cold water, which was said to be about 14 feet deep.

Firefighters arrived on scene and lowered a gas monitor into the well. The oxygen levels in the well were found to be lower than normal, but thankfully they were not life-threatening.

The rescuers lowered a firefighter into the well, armed with a mesh body bag, normally used for drowning victims. After 90 minutes, Doogie was pulled to safety.

Once free, the pooch was jumping and kissing the rescuers. He encountered only minor injuries from the fall.

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