Sharknado Metrics: Does Twitter Hype Boost TV Ratings?

2013-09-26 127

Sharknado Metrics: Does Twitter Hype Boost TV Ratings?
Social Data Week - Mission Bay
Susan Etlinger, Principal Analyst, Altimeter GroupShree Dandeker, Chief Strategist, BI and Analytics, DellPeter Yared, CIO/CTO, CBS InteractiveTo make social data an integral part of the business is a series of steps and challenges. This session will give the insider's view on the impacts and opportunities with social in an interactive discussion with two industry veterans; Shree Dandekar, Chief Strategist, BI and Analytics at Dell, and Peter Yared, CTO/CIO of CBS Interactive. Susan Etlinger will interview these execs to discover how they're using social data, the challenges and opportunities they're facing, and their advice for other organizations trying to make sense of social data--at scale.