Summary: Six days of a scruffy nine-to-fiver's daily routine. Day seven being sort of different: outbreak, ascension, trip, whatever.
Recording: Yes, for sure. Vicinity of International Concert Hallway, Karlsruhe. Mainly approx. 2008-2010.
Starring etc.: I. K. van der Zelf (aka ROAN MIFA)
Camera: Has gone to the happy hunting ground long since.
Sources of tonal raw material: Several opera first performed in, e.g., 1824, 1895, 1903.
Opening credits, translation of: "And on Day No. 7... / A film by / ROAN MIFA".
Miscellaneous credits: Miscellaneous weapons of freeware Neanderthal open/closed source mass film editing.
1) ROAN MIFA is an acronym formed from hand-picked German words with a silly secret meaning. Its counterpart in Churchill's Own Language would be DWCO WIBI, which sounds like Kiswahili gone Russian and is prolly unhealthy for your tongue tip when you read it aloud.
2) In the film, the leading actor's job consists of typing the same lines over and over again, day after day. They read "wichtig - wichtiger - am wichtigsten", or in Churchill's Own: "important - more important - most important".
3) During lunch said actor watches a comedy series. For reasons of copyright paranoia, that show was blurred. Cause who's inclined to mess with a renowned comedian's lawyers? Not me, not for all the tobacco in Sir Winston's cigar box!
Apologies: I'm too lazy to translate the term "Kontinuitätsfehler".