Samina Baig is firts Pakistani female who conquered Mt.Everest on May 19,2013,in the age of 22, she climbed Mt.Everest with his Brother Mirza Ali,for gender Equality & women Empowerment, Miss,Samina Baig is the only female from Pakistan who has taken mountaineering as profession, she is the only 8000r,70000m in Pakistan.Mirza Ali & Samina baig, are running Program, Pakistan Youth OUtreach, a YOuth outdoor,environment and nature related activities. She was among four other girls from Pakistan to achieve the Heights in Pakistan and she is the only girl to achieve such high in the field of Mountain climbing! In this regard she was honored at General headquarter of Army during National defence day 2013.lauded her efforts adn being listened among other few high achievers in the year 2013, for more go to the website,