Français : Une femme dont le témoignage de vie et le message prophétique sont aussi percutants que ceux de Jean le Baptiste. Saurons-nous entendre l'appel que Dieu lance à l'humanité à travers cette jeune femme courageuse ? À écouter... et à réécouter plusieurs fois...
English : Gianna Jessen was aborted at 7½ months. She survived. Astonishingly, she has forgiven her mother for trying to kill her.
Gianna Jessen came into the world as a surprise. Her 17-year-old mother knew she was pregnant. She also knew she didn't want to be. She underwent an abortion procedure, having toxic saline solution injected into the womb during the third trimester.
Jessen, then in the womb for 7½ months, spent 18 hours in the solution. "It burns the baby inside and out," she said. "(The mother) is to deliver a dead baby within 24 hours." But when a 2-pound Jessen emerged, she was alive.