The WAN Show: Steam Living room, 7Million$ Cyanogen and Forum Leaks! - Sept 20, 2013

2013-09-22 50

After party : Twitch changed their auto-archiving to a manual setting so we don't have a recording to upload but I streamed on all night!

Live Stream Doc:

0:07 Linus isn't here!
3:39 Netflix claims bandwidth caps in Canada near human rights violation
8:04 CyanogenMod Raises 7Million in capital
20:00 iOS 7 vulnerabilities and work a rounds
26:10 Massive forum updates and progress leaks!
37:38 Day[9] Zerg rushes our stream!
45:30 Damages at DRAM plant may be quite serious
48:28 ADATA 32GB of DDR4?! No... not quite
1:15:35 Hiroshi Yamauchi from Nintendo passes away
1:24:08 PS4 to support video capture via HDMI
1:27:00 Firefly MMO is on the way! Blehhhhhh
1:32:22 Tesla Auto Pilot
1:44:20 Dota 2 LAN Support!
1:48:23 Steam Universe is expanding!
1:55:45 Build Logs of the Week!

Intro Screen Music Credit: Adhesive Wombat - Check out his channel here: