I,His Melchzdk Dr.Mekbib Adgeh yet I am individual, I defeated billions !

2013-09-20 141

I am his Melchizedek Dr.Mekbib Adgeh and it is my global, universal campaign I am working on: I, HIS MELCHIZEDEK DR. MEKBIB ADGEH YET I AM AN INDIVIDUAL, I HAVE DEFEATED BILLIONS ! HAS SUCH A THING EVER HAPPENED IN THE STORY OF THE WORLD ? NEVER, IT DIDN'T EVER HAPPENED as Elohim spoke about it in Isaiah 52:13-15,..! Here are my concrete evidences: (1) In my debates 2005-7, 5765-7 H.C. 44-46 H.E. I have defeated all of the world religious, business, economics, political, science leaders ! (2) Their very, very inferior anti-Hebraist world order I am in the process of replacing it by my very, very superior Hebraist world order, the order of the universe by the guidance of Elohim ! (3) My Caucasian Hebrew/ Hebraist Government & Congregation of the universe, under my Caucasian Hebrew/Hebraist High Priest ( Kohen Gadol) ruler of all nations in the universe leadership by the guidance of Elohim, it beats all other Governments in the anti-Hebraist world order. (4) My divine Caucasian Hebrew/Hebraist policy of setting the Caucasian Hebrew/ Hebraist State of Abraham, the Caucasian Hebrew/ Hebraist continent of Abraham, Shem in which all of the "Arabs", " Iranians " in reality Caucasian Hebrew descendants of Royal Shem ( Genesis 9:26-27)... as well as Caucasian Japhet Turkey live in it along with the Caucasian Hebrew Israelis 100% free from infighing, 100% free from any form of compromise ( whether it is religion, politics, economic, land, territory ..) is what all of the world population in the anti-Hebraist world order before 2007, 5767 H.C. 46 H.E. , all of their religious leaders, all of their Governments, their United nations of their anti-Hebraist world order, didn't couldn't afford to provide even 1/85th % of mine ! (5) Thus far I have earned at least 165 credits over all of the anti-Hebraist world order leaders ! ( 6) I have achieved immense scope, immense scale achievements by the guidance of the God of Israel, none of the anti-Hebraist world order leaders ever achieved ! All these concrete evidences prove there didn't ever exist any leader who made such a miracle, in the entire story of the world population ! ( Our Caucasian Hebrew/ Hebraist Bible, Tanakh) The white man in the video clip you watch is me his Melchizedek Dr. Mekbib Adgeh when I am in my exact look as I stated it in my 12 titles at http://www.Hebraistnews.US
His Melchizedek Dr. Mekbib Adgeh
The Hebrew Royal High Priest ( Kohen Gadol), ruler of all nations in the
Universe, the founder of the Hebraist Bet Elohim, the Hebraist Universe,
Psa 110:4, Isa 42:1-7, 52:13-15, 61:1-2.. the Caucasian Hebrew descendant of Royal Shem, Assur, Abraham, Isaac & Jacob, Elohim restored the world, universal Kingdom of Israel/Shem, Elohim appointed redeemer, restorer, light for all of the Caucasian Hebrew descendants of Shem, Caucasian Japhet, Gen 9:26-27, 17:1-28, 23:6, 24:60, Numb 24:17, Psa18:43, Isa 9:6-7, 11:1-7, Jerem 23:5, Eze 34:23-24, Dani 2:44, 7:13-14, 27..w.Hebraistnews.US