Two teenage boys, Cameron Ford and Adam Welland were recently asked to leave a McDonald’s restaurant. They were trying to add a touch of elegance to their meal by bringing their own tablecloth, cutlery, wine glasses, centerpieces and dishes to the establishment.
Can you imagine being asked to leave a restaurant after you pay for your food?
Well, two teenage boys, Cameron Ford and Adam Welland were asked to leave McDonald's.
The males who were dressed up in nice shirts and ties weren’t being rowdy or obnoxious. Their fault was that they brought their own tablecloth, cutlery, wine glasses, centerpieces and dishes to the establishment.
It was basically part of a prank.
A third member of the group took a photo of the duo enjoying their meal. Although the joke was seemingly innocent enough, a staff member at the restaurant reportedly asked the teenagers to leave, as the brought-along cutlery wasn’t approved.
However fellow McDonald’s customers and numerous other workers realized the boys didn’t mean to do any harm and protested the decision to throw them out. In the end, they were allowed to stay and the photo of the pair politely eating was posted on Twitter. It has since gone viral.
A McDonald’s spokesperson stated “We are aware of the two customers who dined at our Kingston restaurant on Saturday night and are pleased that we were able to offer them an affordable treat.”