Wind Turbines Could Be Cause of Bat Deaths

2013-09-18 1

The Bat Conservation Trust in the UK says that wind turbines are the cause behind a number of the flying mammals’ deaths.

The Bat Conservation Trust in the UK says that wind turbines are the cause behind a number of the flying mammals’ deaths.

Throughout the UK, bats are a protected species, and causing harm to one on purpose is a serious issue.

Said a Scottish trust official of the turbine threat, “People think the danger is bats getting hit by the blade but the danger is barotrauma, where they are popped from the inside.”

Barotrauma is a condition that results from changes in air or water pressure, and in humans can be brought on by flying and diving.

For the bats, it doesn’t just cause their ears to plug up, it can cause vital organs to explode.

They’re naturally drawn to the turbines because they’re following their food - that’s where bugs go to hang out in the heat radiated by the machines.

An appeal against the UK government for failing to fully disclose the dangers wind turbines pose to the environment was filed and won.

The Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs is working with the wind farm industry to determine the true impact the turbines have on bats.