Endurance Cycling Training

2013-09-17 20

http://www.123bicycles.com/centurytraining.html - Century Training - Endurance Cycling Training.

So you want to cycle 100 miles...

Here is a small selection of things you'll learn in this century training program...

How to instantly save 20% of the effort you currently use when cycling
Simple techniques used by professional riders to increase power & endurance
Save a fortune on shop bought energy food & drinks
Mental techniques to help you ride faster for longer

Here is what this training program gives you...

In the main part of the program you'll receive a pdf with over 50 pages of advice and information specific to century training that will allow you to dramatically improve every aspect of your training.

More info on endurance cycling training: http://www.123bicycles.com/centurytraining.html Distributed by OneLoad.com