Doctor Punished for Treating Patients Via Skype

2013-09-17 680

Dr. Thomas Trow of Park Hills, Oklahoma was disciplined by the medical board on grounds of prescription violations and treating patients via Skype.

Dr. Thomas Trow of Park Hills, Oklahoma was disciplined by the medical board on grounds of prescription violations and treating patients via Skype.

On the virtual physician charges, Trow defended his actions pointing out that his patients had mental health issues, so he didn’t believe physical examination was really necessary.

He also said that for the appointments that took place using the video-enabled chat service, he sent a registered nurse to the satellite locations to help set up the cyber-session.

His patients lived primarily in rural areas throughout southern Oklahoma and into the northern part of Texas.

As Skype a new technology, the board hasn’t as of yet approved it for telemedical purposes.

The bigger issue, however, was that Trow prescribed medications to patients without ever physically examining them.

Sadly, one of his patient overdosed three times in a six-month period.

Xanax and what have been described as “powerful narcotics” were among the drugs recommended and facilitated by Trow.

As a result of his actions, the doctor will spend two years under probation and will have limited prescription writing permissions until he finishes a course on professional practices.

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