Farah Khan's upcoming venture, 'Happy New Year' has been hitting the news quite often lately be it with the film's celebratory star cast or the latest story revolving around the film's first shooting schedule to have kick-started in Dubai. However, recent news now has some fitness gyaan on the sets this time!
Reportedly, the lead actors Shah Rukh Khan, Abhishek Bachchan, Vivaan Shah and Boman Irani have got a new celebrity fitness trainer on their ship of Happy New Year. Apparently, the 5th lead man, Sonu Sood has been revealed to be the official physical trainer on the sets and moving on with the buzz, Farah Khan also confirmed the story and further said that SRK and Sonu visit the gym, twice a day and it was Sonu's personal volunteering, to supervise all the workout sessions, on the sets.
Well Sonu, you must be definitely scoring high with your shirtless- hotness meter on the film's sets. We wonder what does Deepika has to say over this!