Jordanian MP fires AK-47 during parliament session

2013-09-10 369


Jordanian member of parliament Talal Al Sharif fired a shot from his AK-47 rifle towards fellow member Qusay Dmeisi.

Al Sharif had attempted to bring his rifle into the parliament chambers after a fierce debate with Dmeisi, but was stopped by the guards. He then proceeded to fire a shot in the hallway towards fellow lawmaker Dmeisi. Dmeisi was unharmed.

The incident followed an argument that erupted on Sunday between fellow lawmakers Qusai Dmeisi and Yahya Soud over recently endorsed government amendments.

Soud accused Prime Minister Abdullah Ensour of 'lying' about government policies, and Dmesis retaliated by defending the prime minister.

The altercation between the lawmakers forced Lower House Speaker Saad Hayel Srour to suspend the meeting until order was restored.

After the gunshot incident, the house held an emergency closed-door session to discuss it and he fate of Talal Al Sharif.

The Jordanian parliam

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