U.S. tightens embassy security in Lebanon and Turkey, warns Americans

2013-09-06 110

The U.S. tightens security at diplomatic missions in Lebanon and Turkey on Friday - because of unspecified threats.

In Lebanon, the U.S. State Department ordered all non-emergency diplomatic personnel and their families out of the country -

and in southeastern Turkey - a voluntary evacuation at the consulate in Andana has been ordered.

U.S. citizens have been warned against traveling to these regions - and Americans in the rest of Turkey have been told to remain vigilant.

Officials offered no additional information about the threats - which come just a week before the anniversary of the September 11 attacks.


Despite the ramped up security - some U.S. citizens living in the Lebanese capital - Beirut - said they did not feel an urgency to leave.


"I am not going to leave because of the U.S. embassy urging its citizens to leave, but if they were to evacuate, I would leave."