Crowd at McCain Town Hall opposes action in Syria

2013-09-06 3

U.S. Senator John McCain has endorsed Barack Obama's plan to launch military strikes against Syria, providing the President with a key Republican backer.

But on Thursday, McCain felt the backlash as a chorus of voices criticised his decision.

McCain acknowledged the divide to constituents at a town hall meeting in Phoenix.


"I understand your skepticism. I understand your concern about the United States of America getting involved in another conflict the way we got involved in Iraq by telling the American people that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction...and it turned out that it was not true."

Obama -- a Democrat -- has been pressing lawmakers like McCain to support limited strikes in Syria. A move that would punish the government for an alleged chemical weapons attack in August.

But much of the American public is wary of getting involved in another conflict over sea

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