DEBATE - Syria: G20 at the court of Vladimir Putin (part 2)

2013-09-05 173

It’s Vladimir Putin’s moment, but will he have the last word? Syria invites itself onto the agenda as Russia’s president hosts a G20 summit in his hometown. François Picard’s panel looks at the timing both for Putin and Barack Obama who is trying to convince Congress to intervene against Assad.

Celestine BOHLEN, Columnist, International Herald Tribune;
Emma SULEIMAN, Spokesperson, Syrian National Coalition;
Bruce STOKES, Director of Global Economic Attitudes, Pew Research Center's Global Attitudes Project;
Jelena MILCZANOWSKA, Correspondent of All-Russia weekly Sobesednik;
Annette YOUNG, France 24 journalist (from Saint Petersburg).

Watch the first part

Programme prepared and produced by Anelise Borges, Mary Colombel et Christopher Davis

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