DEBATE - Syria: Hollande foregoes French parliament vote (part 2)

2013-09-04 316

It was the French parliament's turn this Wednesday to debate moral imperatives, legal mandates and risks of contagion. There was a debate but no vote. Unlike in London or Washington, François Hollande is opting to avoid the risk of rejection. François Picard and his panel discuss whether the French Parliament should be voting, and weigh up the implications of a possible intervention in Syria.

Jacques MYARD, Member of the French Parliament, UMP and Member of the Foreign Affairs Commission;
Arnaud LEROY, Member of the French Parliament, Socialist Party;
Haytham MANNA, President, Syrian National Committee for Democratic Change;
Lucy FIELDER, France 24 Special Correspondent in Damascus;
Philip CROWTHER, France 24 Correspondent in Washington.

Watch the first part

Programme prepared and produced by Anelise Borges, Mary Colombel and Christopher Davis

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