( NEW September 2013 ) Clash of clans gems and gold generator hack (Iphone,Ipad,PC - Free download)

2013-09-04 202

Download tool :- http://www.cheatsandroid.com/?s=Clash+of+clans.com

It’s as simple as picking the type and tapping to land them in enemy territory.

You do get a target reticule on the structure that they are fixed on and you can spend a few seconds glaring at them, as they attack a wall, while getting fired at instead of going for that convenient break you just made that seems oh, so close but are beyond their AI “let’s use the breech” range.

The single player game is mainly for trying out different troops and tactics, as they cannot be replayed after you’ve defeated it, and they do not scale with your level.

By the time you are about level 20, the map available has defenses quite a bit higher than you can hope to win with your troops.