Sensational beauty, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is rejoicing her motherhood phase of late. After having delivered a baby girl almost a year back, this bollywood diva has not only promoted to become a mother but in addition to it, Aishwarya has also gained ample kilos to her slim-trim figure. Apparently, having already seen several images of her bulky fat look, one might have noticed that her recent ad shoot pictures make her look quite thin and ravishing like before, leaving us to wonder, if she has lost all the gained fat? Well, we wish if our assumption was true but unfortunately, Aishwarya is still bouncing with her flabby body tone and the recent pictures are just been morphed! Yes, you heard it right. Aishwarya's recent real-estate ad shoot pictures are stunning but if u compared her real life and shoot images, the mass difference is prominently spotted from her chin, to her cheeks, to her hands to everywhere. Well, Aishwarya is getting photoshoped to look beautiful, Really? Why not try shedding those kilos instead Ash?