Elderly Man Found Sitting in Own Excrement, Covered in Ants

2013-09-03 1,109

Police recently found a 74-year-old man in his home, sitting on a couch in his own excrement. He was covered in ants.

Following an absolutely heartbreaking case, law enforcement workers in Trinity County, Texas are urging neighbors to always report dangerous or troubling situations concerning the elderly.

A 74-year-old man was found in his home, sitting on a couch in his own excrement.He was covered in ants and there were hundreds of bite marks all over his body.

The police authorities believe the elderly man had been sitting in the same spot for several weeks.

Family members were tipped off something was horribly wrong after a rent check from the man bounced. The unnamed male had people who were assigned to take care of him and assist in daily routines and activities.

However, those aids apparently used the man’s car and money, and at some point quit taking care of him.

A neighbor of the male had been in the home several times to give him food and water but never reported his condition to police. That tiny amount of nourishment is what kept him alive. When cops arrived, he could talk but not walk.

He was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment while law enforcement and Adult Protective Services launched an investigation into the case.

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