Russian lawmakers want to fly to Washington to sway Syria decision

2013-09-02 38

Russian lawmakers have a message for their American counterparts in Congress, and they want to deliver it in person: 'don't attack Syria.'

Meeting with President Vladimir Putin, senior lawmaker Valentina Matviyenko told him delegations of lawmakers are ready to board a flight Washington.


"I think if we were able to establish a dialogue with our partners in the U.S. Congress, to exchange opinions, facts, we could possibly understand each other better. We hope that the U.S. Congress will take a balanced position in the end and, without strong arguments in place, and we see today that the arguments don't really exist - Congress probably won't support plans to use force in Syria."

Congress is due to vote on whether to carry out a military strike on Syria just days after the Obama administration says it confirmed that Syrian forces used sarin gas to kill more than 1,400 people.

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