Marcus Cumberlege - Marcus reads his poetry in Brugge

2013-09-01 1

Marcus, in un caffé letterario di Bruges, legge alcune poesie tratte da "Selected Poems 1963-2009"

video di Mick Ravassat: "Poetry at Inzicht"


for Eunice

Borne by whatever wind you come to land
And whoever, unborn, you decide to be,
This I would have you gladly understand
Before you put back out again to sea.

The whole, of which you form a willing part,
Elects the actual vessel it will try.
Make up your mind before you ever start:
You cannot claim the birthright to deny.

Penelope, alone

Homer took pen and paper,
Dipped into his mind,
Saw the poem written there
Though he was blind.

Odysseus with oar and rudder
Thrashed on the foam,
But the sea like a fretful mother
Chided him home.

Penelope, alone at the window,
Watched the blue sky.
In her fingers flashed a needle,
And the needle had an Eye.

So the saga was embroidered
On a quilt of silken thread
And its mysteries unfolded
On the marriage bed.

Penelope, sola

Homer prese carta e penna,
Immerso nei suoi pensieri,
Ci Vide la poesia scritta
Anche se era cieco.

Ulisse con remo e timone
Si dibatteva sulla spuma,
Ma il mare come una madre ansiosa
Lo richiamava a casa.

Penelope, da sola alla finestra,
Guardava il cielo blu.
Fra le dita apparve un ago,
E l'ago aveva un occhio.

Quindi la saga è stata ricamata
Su una trapunta di seta
E i suoi misteri distesi
Sul letto matrimoniale.


Morning sparkles on a blade
Naked virgin undismayed

Two eyes trapped on a mirror
One dimension of error

Rain pounding from a gutter
There are no words to utter

The moon seen through a curtain
Can we never be certain?

Orion's belt and scabbard
A poem sweetly laboured

The last flicker in the grate
Poles to circumnavigate

Her arm wrapped over his heart
Reaches for the fiery dart

Dawn slides dripping from

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