Brown Corliss Engine Co Group Forge Room, engine room, boiler room, machine shop steam and gas engines

2013-08-31 1

The accompanying drawings give an outline plan and elevations of the new plant of the Brown Corliss Engine Co. The shops are located at Corliss, Wis., on the main line of the Chicago, Milwaukee 8: St. Paul Ry., and about 23 miles south of Milwaukee. The machine shop and foundry buildings run north and south, the machine shop being on the west side of the foundry, with a space of 65 feet between them. It was the company's purpose to design a plant in which a high class of engine work could be done with a minimum cost of production, and with that end in view a great deal of attention has been given to every detail covering both the arrangement of the buildings and also the type and arrangement of the tools.