Expanded Democracy

2013-08-28 41


We are fighting for expanded democracy to create a new system. As we live in an outdated version of democracy our world is heading in the wrong direction. We have a new answer to it, an effective plan to take action to move this so-called democratic world in a new direction.

Telling our demands will be the first step toward reforming the system then we will go ahead for next steps to achieve our goals. We are determined to succeed in this action plan to force decision makers in the world to work much better for us.

As we are fighting for expanded democracy it is important to fulfill everybody's demand. Therefore anybody can send us a demand on any subject. We will prepare videos and send them to recipients people are most concerned about depending on the number of likes. Finally clicking a like will make sense!

We will reject every demands that contains obscenities or threats because we distance ourselves from any violent acts. We fight with our minds, not power. Nobody has a more effective alternative than us to force decision makers to fulfill our demands as everything could have a serious consequence.